
EMC,EVA,XP,SUN Storage,Storage,Brocade Switch,Switch


Assign IP

Change Domain ID

Change Hostname

Setting the Date and Time

A new switch (before IP) will need to be configured through serial port.

Default username and password on new Brocade switch is:

username: admin

password: password

Domain ID must be different on each switch.

Default Domain ID is 1.

One of the switches will need a different Domain ID.

The current setup in non-classified:



Domain: 3



Domain: 1

# Note: Brocade will not allow a hostname longer then above.

A "switchShow" command will show config of switch

Setting the IP Address

After connecting with serial cable, use the "ipaddrset" command to set the IP address.


J2_SANSW01:admin> ipaddrset

Ethernet IP Address []:

Ethernet Subnetmask []:

Fibre Channel IP Address []:

Fibre Channel Subnetmask []:

Gateway IP Address []:

Issuing gratuitous ARP...Done.

IP address is being changed...Done.

Committing configuration...Done.

Just hit enter if correct.

Not using fibre Channel IP setup in this configuration. Leave blank.

Now the switch can be telneted to.

To set/change the Domain ID

1. Connect to the switch and log in as admin.

2. Enter the switchdisable command to disable the switch.

3. Enter the "configure" command.

4. Enter y after the Fabric Parameters prompt:

Fabric parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no] y

5. Enter a unique domain ID at the Domain prompt. Use a domain ID value from 1 through 239 for

normal operating mode (FCSW compatible). For example:

Domain: (1..239) [1] 3

6. Respond to the remaining prompts (or press Ctrl-d to accept the other settings and exit).

7. Enter the "switchenable" command to reenable the switch.

To set/change switchname

Enter the "switchname" command at the command line, using the following syntax:

switchname “newname”

Where "newname" is the new name for the switch.


J2_SANSW01:admin> switchname J2_SANSW01

Setting the Date and Time

To synchronize local time with an external source

1. Connect to the switch and log in as admin.

2. Enter the following command:

tsclockserver ipaddr


J2_SANSW01:admin> tsclockserver

Updating Clock Server configuration...done.

To set the date and time manually

1. Connect to the switch and log in as admin.

2. Enter the date command at the command line using the following syntax:

date “MMDDhhmmYY”

The values represent the following:

• MM is the month; valid values are 01 through 12.

• DD is the date; valid values are 01 through 31.

• hh is the hour; valid values are 00 through 23.

• mm is minutes; valid values are 00 through 59.

• YY is the year; valid values are 00 through 99 (values greater than 69 are interpreted as

1970 through 1999, and values less than 70 are interpreted as 2000-2069).


You can synchronize the local time


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